how to create a website for business for free


how’s it going ladies and gentlemen welcome to the website if this is your first time here and if it’s not then welcome back so today what I’m going to do is show you how to make a site on hostinger using a free domain.

Which is something provided to you if you buy any of the hosting below though if you do want a free domain and are considering hostinger so if you’re considering making a website definitely save yourself some change just by clicking the link you don’t even need.

1: how to make a site free domain

enter the code so from the home page you will want to log in and make sure you go home where you can access your features. In today’s case we go to the sites tab and create our website from there we can click create or migrate continue.

Here you can just pick create a new website since we don’t have one on the next page we can pick our platform of Choice the only thing here is that for WordPress you do need a paid domain and we’re not doing that right now so we’re going to go with the AI Builder than you will however go over that so then you click on that sucker and you wait for it to load when it’s finished then you can let Al the AI build your site or you can use a pre-made template and customize it yourself the AI isn’t actually called Al.

2: 1start to built your website

You just gave it that name In Case Technology ever turns it’s good to have friends in the AI apocalypse but I digress so before you can actually start building your website you need to name it and give it a website type and describe it a little bit so what we’re going to do is call it I don’t know Zinger uh make it a Blog and call it something like actually I’ll just you’ll find out it’ll be a surprise as to what the website is the only important thing that you need to know from here is that you 

Can describe it in 700 characters and then whatever you describe it will be and you will see an example of it in just a second and here is the website

 it’s all about airplanes cars and cinematography just without a lot of the planes and cars but I will show you how to customize the website to your liking in a future 

3: how customize your website

You will find all the tools you need to customize your website, whether it’s adding text or media.

Different pages to your site and changing the font and color of the text in case you weren’t able to find what you need you can also search for it down here in the search bar to see if they have it and the last thing I wanted to talk about are the different platforms you can customize and view 

find best tools

So on top of your site you have the ability to work on a desktop and mobile version tailored to each platform and when you’re done you can.

 go even further to the right to get a preview of what it looks like to people visiting your site on either a phone or desktop so it’s very accessible and transparent which I find very helpful as for though think that just about wraps it up for today’s article like I said I will get into more detail in a future upload but I just wanted to cover the basics down below to have access to a site wide discount on hostinger that is exclusively located.

Mend doing it through our link to save you some cash if you did enjoy the article then consider. who are also looking to make a site especially for hostinger and also comment to not miss any of those future article that being said I appreciate y’all tuning in and until next time take care thank you.


How can I start a free business website?

You can pick our platform of Choice the only thing here is that for WordPress you do need a paid domain.

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