iphone settings to turn off for privacy best iphone settings 2023

a huge new iOS update just dropped with some awesome new settings some of which though are awesomely bad the first one we’ll talk about iphone settings to turn off for privacy one that’s going to save apple on their support costs but also might compromise your privacy.

1: iphone settings to turn off for privacy for beginners.

how it works let’s dive in I’ll open up settings and scroll down to face ID and pass code tap on that I’ll enter my pass code and scroll down to change pass code and we have to talk because an iOS 17 Apple completely changed what happens when you change your pass code and it is less secure.

than it used to be let’s say your conniving cousin Kurt gets a hold of your phone cracks your super secure password of one two three four and now he’s in app in the hidden album and he’s up to no good what do you do you get the phone back and you change your pass code so let’s do that I’ll tap change pass code enter my current pass.

2: Keep you passcode safe turn off for privacy

Tap to pass code options at the bottom choose four digit numeric code and pick a new super secure password of olden days but not anymore in iOS 17 Apple introduced a feature called temporary pass code reset for the next 72 hours you can enter you passcode

which is the wrong pass code and then reset it again to a new different pass code if you think that you can remember your four-digit new pass code then the safest thing to do is tap expire previous pass code iphone settings to turn off for privacy we’re going to scroll up while I just move the whole damn phone turn this switch off the people talked to that find this annoying are people who wear glasses or people who don’t have the best Vision especially at night.

when they’re in bed they’re holding the phone up to their face to be able to actually read easily without eye strain but then the phone is saying it’s too close to your face is having this switch turned off going to harm you well it says down here that it’s going to reduce the risk.

3: Protect your iSight best iphone settings

tap screen time in the upper left hand corner of the screen then tap iphone settings to turn off for privacy little bit to Syrian search tap on that and this is a brand new iOS 17 feature you will tap on listen four and here we have Siri or hey Siri

  • Siri just got list to easy
iphone settings to turn off for privacy best iphone settings 2023

you just wanted to mention this because if you’re someone who accidentally activates Siri a lot you probably don’t want to make it easier to activate Siri I think Apple has done good job with this where you can use Siri in a sentence. And it won’t necessarily activate but if you don’t like this new just say Siri thing you can go back to hey Siri or shut it off completely you will leave it on Siri.

4: Nix the mis Jos settings

like next and speaking of Music let’s head back to settings and head up to sounds and haptics tap on that ringtone let’s tap on that and iOS 17 includes a bunch of awesome new ringtones it’s time to turn off your old tired ringtone that you haven’t changed in the last seven years well let’s be honest there are some really cool ones the one that I was really impressed with is called radio and that really cool demo of the spatial audio that your phone can actually do it sounds very stereo.

  • how does that work hashtag sample!delay but the real reason I wanted to come to this section of settings is for me I do have an ulterior motive for taking you to this section if we go back I would just like to show you.
  • how to make your phone as least annoying as possible for your Siri friends first thing scroll down to keyboard feedback tap on that do we want to hear the Clickety Clacks every time you’re typing the keyboard on your iPhone

hear you typing turn off sound haptic is up to you it’s that little feedback can’t really hear it from far away but it does drain your battery life even Apple emits that I’ll turn that off tap back we’re not done lock sound do I need to hear the when you lock your phone I don’t think so do you need to hear it turn it off system haptics iphone settings to turn off for privacy let’s turn that off too it’s okay. mean you press the button you get a little feedback maybe you like that maybe you don’t it’s going to drain your battery turn it off.

5: save yourself from Embarrassment

Tap Settings then tap on notifications then tap on screen sharing okay this is not a new feature but there iphone settings to turn off for privacy best iphone settings 2023 are a ton of awesome new features in TV OS 17 that makes this one more important than ever and that’s why you just wanted to bring it up to mention it if this is on and you’re FaceTiming on Apple TV for example now somebody can see your embarrassing text messages.

you’re getting during the conversation do you want that I don’t let’s turn off allow notifications and just as an aside we have a video coming out soon about TV OS and these awesome new Apple TV features that were just introduced if you want to be informed.

6: prevent accidental sharing

  • new feature that all my rich and Powerful celebrity friends so guys also check my fashion article who shall remain nameless love name drop

let’s tap back to notifications back to settings tap on General and it’s actually not under name drop you’ll tap on airdrop start sharing by bringing devices together going to turn this off I’ve heard stories where this feature is being triggered accidentally when people are in crowded situations.

if you want to try it leave it on but if you want to protect yourself the maximum extent I would recommend turn off bringing devices together use good old-fashioned airdrop and just because you turn this off doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of an awesome new iOS 17 feature iphone Settings so now if you get information about iphone settings to turn off for privacy so please share thank you.

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