How to make LinkedIn profile attractive Best LinkedIn profiles 2023

if you’re looking for a job or you have a business and you want to get contacted more frequently there’s no way to better brand yourself and to put yourself out there then through LinkedIn. I’m going to talk about five best practices that you should use in order to be contacted more frequently.

Let’s get right into it the first part of the How to make LinkedIn profile attractive profile that you should be concentrating on is the intro the intro is the top half of the fold that people come in contact when they access your profile focus on getting keywords that are going to go a long way in describing what you do and that people can easily search on either through the LinkedIn search bar and over through Google use keyword words.

How to make LinkedIn profile attractive

That are related to your background and what you’ve been doing professionally the good thing about LinkedIn now is that you can not only add the summary of what you do in the intro part but you can actually add a personal URL or website or other social media links that people can access by accessing your profile there will be a pencil icon at least from the user side where you can click on that and you just need scroll down to the custom button Now by clicking the custom button it gives you the option of adding a personalized.

How to make LinkedIn profile attractive that you can link out to your Instagram or company website or other type of social media that you want to connect with and then add a URL and also you can add the link text so that alerts users and viewers hey you’re going to click on this link it goes directly to my company website right below the intro section is a featured section the featured section.

Great way for you to communicate to the audience what you’ve been doing also some of the works that you’ve been involved with you want to think about content types of media that’s going to connect with your audience for example use PDFs and white papers that you’ve created PowerPoint presentations videos other types of media.

Great way to kind of connect with your audience

give them a background of what you do Beyond just what’s written in the summary or intro section of your LinkedIn profile dress it up as much as you can don’t be shy and don’t be shy about promoting yourself it’s a great opportunity to get to know your potential prospects and our viewers out there right below the feature section is the about section and the about section on LinkedIn.

Where you can kind of write capture the audience’s attention if you’ve done a lot of creative writing in the past reading a lot of fiction and non-fiction it will help in terms of developing the right framework and the right message that you want to broadcast to your audience this person has done an excellent job How to make LinkedIn profile attractive in terms.

Find the Technologies

You want to Define each project that you’ve done in the past to a the types of Technologies you’ve used how you were able to add value to the company and or team what type of achievements and or accomplishments that you were able to reach during that your tenure during that time of you were doing the project management finally below is the recommendation section now the recommendation section is really importan.

Think about when you are going to a hotel or you’re thinking about dying at a new restaurant right typically if you go to yell is this ranked highly do they have 1 2 3 4 five stars right the same thing is Rel Lin profile ask as many people in your network and or people that you’ve worked with in the past for recommendations on average try to solicit one new recommendation per week when someone hits your LinkedIn profile.

How to make LinkedIn profile attractive Recommendations from this person they are an expert in whatever field you’re in having more recommendations is better it gives a clear idea on the type of work that you been involved with the type of work you’ve done and exemplary to the audience to the people out there that this person is a person to be trusted well. and got a lot of value added on these five great profile tips that you should Implement in your LinkedIn profile I guarantee you will be hit more often thank you.


Today article detail about marketing and this information just for people about How to make LinkedIn profile attractive information provide for people and get How to make LinkedIn profile attractive.

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