5 things you should never say in a job interview common mistakes you should avoid interview

I’m going to talk about 5 things you should never say in a job interview and or discuss in an interview hey guys welcome to my blog my name is jamil I help hundreds and thousands of people get the job they want I talk about everything related to Career.

5 things you should never say in a job interview don’t tell interviewer you are looking for job

You never want to reveal that you’re desperate for a job telling the interviewer that you’re desperate for a job has two kind of basic negative effects one is it puts the interviewer in a kind of a time crunch or pressure situation where they’re forced to make a decision if you just tell the interviewer hey you know I just lost my job I need to find something to pay my bills Etc the interviewer is kind of uncomfortable and does not want to make a decision on the spot generally speaking interviewing takes a long time.

There are a number of steps steps that you need to engage with so telling the interviewer that you’re desperate or you need to pay something is never good secondly when you say that it shows that you’re really not even interested in the position or the company it just tells the interviewer.

make sure that you have a good statement common mistakes you should avoid interview

Hey I need a job to pay my bill two make sure that you have a good statement or a good response as to why you want to leave your current job now we all have legitimate reasons why we want to leave our current job it maybe the boss sucks or there may maybe a political situation.

You just cannot Elevate yourself because of the way that the Matrix organization is structured I understand that but when you’re talking with the interviewer you want to kind of leave a positive impression so saying something like oh I hate my boss or I don’t get along with my boss.

It’s just not working out I just feel like my co-workers are out to get me or out to backstab me these kinds of statements although it may be true will actually have a negative or opposite effect of what you’re trying to intend to say so a better way to say that is well you know I’ve kind of feel that I’ve accomplished all that I need to accomplish at my current organization within the position.

And after 5 years I think it’s time to make a change you want to make sure that you kind of use those types of statements versus any kind of remarks that show negativity you always want to remain positive.

Don’t reveal political or religious affiliates

You don’t want to indicate any type of political or religious affiliation during the course of the interview if the person asks you are you a Democrat are you a Republican or are you Catholic generally speaking that they should not say that and they will not say that but at the same time don’t kind of infer or reveal anything that tells you the interviewer

Those statements in and of themselves may have no negative effect but subconsciously it may affect or bias the Judgment of the interviewer cuz you don’t know where they’re coming from so it’s best to leave any type of political or religious content outside the realm of the interview personal information.

keep personal information personal

You want to establish Rapport and I encourage you that you should establish rapport with the interviewer now any kind of commonalities if you happen to be in the interviewer’s office and or you can see some object that there’s a mutual uh interest in common say golf it’s okay to bring that up but don’t reveal too much about yourself during the interview.

  • for example hey last night I I drank uh six-pack whatever celebrating with the Buddies you don’t want to be too relaxed or too open during the course of the interview because while that’s good to establish Rapport.

At the same time they want to see how you react within a business situation you want to keep it very business friendly L business focused and make sure that when you speak with the interviewer even the personal information is kept at a minimum.

Any medical condition or disability

If you happen to have any medical conditions or disabilities you shouldn’t reveal it during the interview there may come a time where that information is requested and you must release it but any type of medical condition you have or disability you have you do not want to reveal that or speak about that during the interview because it can cause interview bias and I’ve seen it a lot of times and companies and employees of companies are not supposed to ask that during the course of the interview it will and can have a negative or adverse effect during the decision-making process or interview proces.

Well I hope you very much like today’s article on this 5 things you should never say in a job interview of information or questions that you should not ask during the interview process future content thanks so much for joining me and I’ll see you on the next one


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